“The future is a safe, sterile laboratory for trying out ideas in, a means of thinking about reality, a method.” — Ursula K. Le Guin

From its earliest beginnings, science has been driven by imagining what is not yet possible and conjuring what is not yet known. What role do fictions play in the doing of science? How does science fiction shape the aspirations and fears of science itself? What relationship do scientists have to fiction, and vice versa?
“The future is a safe, sterile laboratory for trying out ideas in, a means of thinking about reality, a method.” — Ursula K. Le Guin
A series of excerpts from the upcoming novel.
Constantly having to upgrade your genetic code can be overwhelming.
Welcome to Happiness Fertility Clinic.
Eureka falls in love with a biological anomaly
When the UK’s National Health Service Becomes National Health Insurance, some will do anything to reduce their premiums.
Generations blur when genes are mixed to order.
Persistent radiance and system disturbance.
Appropriating the test site to imagine a public destination where visitors travel through futures currently envisioned by the U.S. government, scientists, and engineers.
Author Affiliations: [TL] National Mango Research Centre (NMRC), London UK and [DB] International Ramen Manufacturers Association (IRMA), Paris FR Abstract We disclose an experimental apparatus and novel methods for ester synthesis in artificial flavor production using off-the-shelf ingredients. This new approach is the direct outcome of our ongoing research in flavor mapping using mass spectrometry […]
Inside the world of paleoart.
How Edgar Allen Poe’s literary science became scientific literature.
Crafting a new wave of science fiction for the present, by looking to the past.
Physics engines rule video games.
How one particle physicist learned not to know.